Finally! First sunday of advent. Today we can lid the first candle and the stars in our windows. I´m quite strict on that, growing up with strong traditions when it comes to christmas. And I tend to carry on with that. I recognize christmas arrived Bloglandia in sept/october. I stick to traditions. But, I had to make a little exception this week. I´ve had visitors. Scary and exciting. And you will get to know. Next week end. Until then, keep waiting. For christmas. For days off. For time together. For the little one (oh I hope we will have to wait 2 more months, ok?) and for what? We always seem to be waiting for something. So why not try to live by this mantra. I sure try every day.
"If we learn to enjoy waiting, we don´t have to wait to enjoy".
And just a little update: I haven´t made any homemade christmascakes. Neither any cards or decorations. But I have wrapped some gifts. I ordered some geometric stuff in which I try to put together, but my patience always ends with one. And I´ve finished lots of bags for different stuff which we sold on the marked. Let me know if you want to buy some.
Åh, så fint og koselig du har det:) Kan man spørre hvor du har kjøpt den fine klokka?
SvarSlettHei Charlotte. Klokka er fra Ellos faktisk. En billig kopi av originalen, men pyttsann.
Slettvarg? hvor kom den fra? koselig skulle det være :)
SvarSlettFin mantra. Høres ut som du har en spennede tid i møte.