tirsdag 4. juni 2013


Oooh. It´s been such a long time. I´ve been totally engrossed by motherhood. 4 months have passed, hours and days just flies. Now we are planning her big party, she´s getting baptized on sunday. I´m doing what I can best, planning the decorations. Luckily I have lots of family who love baking, and makes wonderful cakes. As you see there will be pompoms and streamers, candy and straws. I plan on making many pompoms, we´ll see how many my patience can take.I´ve also put black dots(stickers)on the candles. 

Her name is Signe. She´s named after my grandmother, and I have thought of that name for a long time. It´s a norse name, and it means new victory. I couldn´t think of anything else to fit her better. She´s a victory. A gift. So precious. So dear. 

I received such a lovely card from my friend Lahra when Signe was borne. I cry every time I read it. Or listen to the song by Bo Kaspers. This is the text. (sorry all foreign readers) 

Hvilket namn ska vi ropa
när du sprungit någonstans
och gömt dig?
Efter vem ska vi leta?
Och vem ska vi trösta
när du trott att vi
har gått och glömt dig?
Vad ska du heta?

Vilket namn ska de säga
när du räcker upp handen?
Vad står det på den första boken du får?
Efter vem ska vi fråga
när vi ringer hem dig?
Vad står det på kakan när du fyller år?
Vad ska du heta?

Vilket namn ska de viska i tonårsnatten
när din första kärlek ligger bredvid?
När det första
sveket river i kroppen,
vems tårar faller i ultrarapid?

Vad ska vi skriva på breven vi skickar
till adresser som rör sig runt hela världen?
Och vem tar emot
våra långväga kyssar?
Vilket namn följer med dig på färden?
Vad ska du heta?  

mandag 1. april 2013


I´ve had a nice easter with my little family. Slow days for me, lots of snow for my man to remove. No skiing. Just eating. And when the rest of you are ready for spring, we have got about 1-2 meters of snow up here. Oh yeah. 

onsdag 27. mars 2013

Easter days

Stormy weather - great to stay inside. Happy easter to all of you!

søndag 24. mars 2013


All of a sudden easter is here. I am just showing you some old pictures from last year, because I only take baby pictures at the moment. Funny what happens when you become a mum. Maybe I´ll get to show you my project for this easter if I manage to make it. We´ll see. Hope you´re enjoying the first week- end of easter. 
(Yes I know it´s almost a week to go, but teachers and folks on maternity leave start easter early). 

lørdag 23. mars 2013


I like traditions. But this year I didn´t arrange our usual easter work shop. We´ve been decorating eggs using napkins and paint. So if you want some ideas for easter decorations, here are some of the eggs from last year. Now we´ll just wait for the easter bunny to some fill them. Or wait, I just did. And we´ve already started eating the snack. Happy easter!